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Maximum penalty on conviction


Description of offence


Full amount of penalty (adopted by Sunderland City Council (SCC)

Early payment amount (adopted by SCC)

Maximum penalty on conviction


S.87(1) and 88(1) Environmental Protection Act 1990


£75.00 (if paid within 10 days)


Depositing controlled waste on land without the authority of an environmental permit

S.33 Environmental Protection Act 1990

(Depending on severity can be set between) £300 / £650 £1,000

No discount applied

Unlimited fine

and/or 5 years jail

Failing to furnish documents (waste transfer documents)

S.34A(2) Environmental Protection Act 1990


£250 (if paid within 10 days)

Unlimited fine

Failing to comply with notice relating to waste receptacle


Environmental Protection Act 1990


£85 (if paid within 10 days)


Distributing free printed matter on designated land without consent

Environmental Protection Act 1990, Paragraph 1 of Schedule 3A and Section 94B


No discount applied


Nuisance Parking -

repairing vehicles on a road

S.4(1) Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005


£75 (if paid within 10 days)


Nuisance Parking - exposing vehicle for sale on a road

S.3(1) Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005


£75 (if paid within 10 days)


Failing to produce authority to transport controlled waste

S.5B(2) Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989


£250 (if paid within 10 days)

Unlimited Fine

Failing to comply with a Community Protection Notice

S.48 Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014


No discount

£2,500 for individuals or £20,000 incorporated bodies

Failing to comply with a Public Spaces Protection Order

S.67 Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014


£75 (if paid within 10 days)


Graffiti, fly posting and other relevant offence

S.44 Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003


£100 (if paid within 10 days


Falling to ensure that waste is passed onto an authorised person

S.34(2A) Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Household Duty of Care)


£200 (if paid within 10 days)

Unlimited Fine

Abandoning property (motor vehicle) on highway/land

S.2A(1) Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978


£120 (if paid within 10 days)

£2,500 / three months imprisonment or both.

Littering from vehicles

S. 88A(2) Environmental Protection Act 1990
Vehicles Outside London (Keepers: Civil Penalties) Regulations 2018)


£75 (if paid within 14 days)

Civil penalty

If the civil penalty of £150.00 is not paid in full within the civil penalty payment period (28 days), the amount of the civil penalty will increase by 100% to £300.00 with effect from the day after the last day of the civil penalty payment period.


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