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Our Mission

Our Go Online mission is to make Sunderland a city that is fully digitally inclusive. This means that everyone, who chooses to, can go online.   We aim to provide access to the internet, digital devices and accessible digital services, building motivation, trust and confidence.

Our focus in on increasing digital access so that no one and nowhere is left behind should they choose to go online.  

Download Sunderland's:        Digital Inclusion Plan (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Digital Inclusion Network

Digital Inclusion Ward Dashboards 

Digital Inclusion Annual Report 

We will target our efforts where there is the largest need in the community and make decisions using the best available evidence. We will also spread awareness about the opportunities that technology provides to benefit the City, the Workforce and our Residents.  Above all, digital inclusion is about working in partnership with those experiencing inequality to design solutions.

Sunderland Smart City 

We are using digital innovation and smart city technology to make our city and our public services smarter and more sustainable. You can find out more at Sunderland Smart City and subscribe to our newsletter.


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