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Public Health Funerals

When someone dies it can be a very distressing time for the family/friends arranging the funeral, especially if there are concerns about how a funeral is to be paid for.

Help with arranging a funeral

The council may arrange a funeral on behalf of anyone who dies within Sunderland City Council's boundaries where there is no next of kin and no one else is willing or able to arrange one.

If the person has died in hospital

The hospital trust may arrange a funeral for anyone who dies in their hospital or its grounds, where there is no next of kin and no one else is willing or able to arrange one.

If the council arranges a funeral


The funeral will be by way of cremation unless the council believes that cremation would be against the wishes or cultural/religious circumstance of the person who died.

  • the cremated remains will be made available for the family to collect if they wish to do so within 28 days of the cremation
  • alternatively, they can be scattered in the garden of remembrance at the crematorium either by the staff or by the family.


If the council arranges a burial, (and unless the deceased person has the funds the cover the cost), the deceased will have their own grave but it will be unmarked. There will be no headstone.

If there is enough money for a funeral

If the person who has died has left enough money, relatives and friends should be encouraged to arrange the funeral as they can approach the deceased's bank with their death certificate and a quote from a funeral director and the bank will usually agree to make payment for the deceased's funeral from their bank account.

If this is not possible, or there are no relatives or friends, we can arrange a Public Health Funeral and recoup the funds back from the deceased's bank.

We will use our contracted funeral director Manor House to arrange the funeral unless there is a fully paid funeral plan with a different funeral director.

We make an administrative charge for work we've carried out and for the cost of the funeral.

After any administration and funeral charges have been deducted, any remaining money will be dealt with by estate administrators.

If there is no known next of kin or beneficiaries, our contracted genealogist will deal with the estate, in accordance with their guidelines.

If there is not enough money for a funeral

If the person who has died has no estate (no money or property), we can arrange a Public Health Funeral.

We will use our contracted funeral director Manor House to arrange the funeral unless there is a fully paid funeral plan with a different funeral director.

We make an administrative charge for work we've carried out and for the cost of the funeral.

Note: Under Section 46 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, the funeral expenses, after-tax owed to the government, is the first call on any estate (money or property held after death).

The council is empowered under the act to collect all sums of money due or belonging to the deceased and sell any belongings of the deceased in order to help offset the costs.

Any shortfall will be borne by the council.

What standard of funeral will be arranged?

The funeral director is contracted to provide a dignified funeral.

The funeral is carried out in such a way that an ordinary observer could not differentiate between this and any other funeral service.

We will also take into consideration the wishes, religious and cultural background of the person who died.

We will let family, carers, and friends know the date, time, and place of the funeral, so they can attend. It will be the responsibility of the carer, family and friends to advise the Financial Safeguarding Team of their contact details so they can be advised of the funeral arrangements.

If the client deceased is known to the coroner, any friends or relatives would need to make them aware that there is no money for a funeral, or friends/relatives are unable to make funeral arrangements for the deceased.  If this is the case, the coroner will make a referral to the Financial Safeguarding Team.

If the coroner is not involved with the deceased, friends or relatives should contact Sunderland City Councils Customer Service Network on 0191 520 5552 and ask to speak to the Financial Safeguarding Team regarding help with funeral arrangements. If that team is not available while you are on the call, a message will be sent and someone will call you back.

Public Health Funerals

Get help with funeral costs (Funeral Expenses Payment): How it works - GOV.UK (


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