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Living well

JSNA-Living Well
JSNA/HNAProfilesSurveysLocal Plans/ReportsNational Data
Tobacco - JSNAPublic Health England population health profile (opens new window)ALS 2017 Profile - Drinking alcoholSunderland Healthy City PlanOffice of National Statistics crime and justice data (opens new window)
Alcohol - JSNAPublic Health England General Practice Profile (opens new window)ALS 2017 Profile - Healthy eatingUnderstanding Inequalities and IntegrationOffice of National Statistics domestic abuse in England and Wales (opens new window)
Substance Misuse - JSNAPublic Health England Adults Health ProfileALS 2017 Profile - Healthy weightSocial Mobility SummaryProven reoffending in England and Wales (opens new window)
Autism Needs AssessmentPublic Health England Adults Social Care ProfileALS 2017 Profile - Multiple unhealthy behavioursSocial Mobility IndexCrime data and information about individual police forces and neighbourhood teams (opens new window)
Homelessness HNAPublic Health England Mental Health ProfileALS 2017 Profile - Physical activitySunderland Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2017Local Authority Interactive Tool
Accidents (updated) - JSNASunderland Area Health ProfileALS 2017 Profile - Smoking and vapingPublic Health Outcome Framework data
Housing conditions - JSNACoalfieldsALS 2017 Profile - Mental WellbeingHealth Impact Assessment of the Core Strategy and Development PlanAdult social care outcomes (NHS) (opens new window)
Shiney RowALS 2017 - Coalfields Area ProfileRecorded crime data at Community Safety Partnership - Local Authority level (opens new window)Housing
Child and family poverty - JSNA summary slidesHoughtonALS 2017 - East Area ProfileState of Care 2016-17 - Local Authority CQC Ratings Summary SunderlandHomelessness
Sunderland as a healthy place - JSNA summary slidesCopt HillALS 2017 - North Area ProfileTobacco Harm Profile Sunderland 2023Wheelchair services return (opens new window)
Domestic violence - JSNAHettonALS 2017 - Washington Area Profile Dementia assessments and referral (opens new window)
Gambling HNA May 2023EastALS 2017 - West Area Profile A&E admissions and attendances (opens new window)
Sunderland Gambling HNA slide-setPallion  Delayed transfers of care (opens new window)
 St Annes  NHS, CHC and FNC (opens new window)
 Barnes  Active Lives survey (opens new window)
 St Chads   
 Castle Ward   
 St Peters   
 St Michaels   
 Washington Central   
 Washington East   
 Washington North   
 Washington South   
 Washington West   


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