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Stopping the noise

A Washington resident has been given a four-month suspended sentence after admitting 54 breaches of an antisocial behaviour injunction.

Scales of justice

An injunction was brought by Sunderland City Council against Glen Watson of Dunstanburgh Close in May last year after numerous complaints from a neighbour dating back to October 2019.

The neighbour complained of unreasonable and intrusive noise at night and in early hours of the morning and was able to capture evidence using the council's noise monitoring application.

The council's injunction application stated: "All of the recorded instances of noise disturbance were to the distress of the neighbour and demonstrate that the respondent has engaged in anti-social behaviour which is persistent and continuing."

The order banned Glen Watson from creating 'loud or ongoing noises' such as shouting, using offensive or threatening words or playing loud music at his home at 129 Dustanburgh Close or any other premises.

Following reports of Mr Watson breaching the order, committal proceedings were commenced, and at a final hearing on Friday 5 March it was agreed that Mr Watson would be given a suspended sentence if he immediately gave up possession of the property.

As part of the Court Order, Mr Watson was ordered to immediately surrender his tenancy. After leaving court, he was accompanied to the property by the council's ASB officer, a police officer from Washington station and the landlord of the property to collect his belongings.

Any further ASB incidents will result in his committal to prison and the court order remains in place irrespective of Mr Watson's registered address to prevent him causing issues elsewhere in the community.

Sunderland City Council's leader and portfolio holder for safer communities, Cllr Graeme Miller, said: "We feel that the outcome of this case sends out a strong message that persistent anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated in Sunderland.

"Mr Watson's neighbour - a care worker - has been negatively affected by his selfish and irresponsible behaviour, but she showed courage throughout as she cooperated fully with our investigation."

"Our priority is to protect the many decent, law abiding citizens of our city. Individuals persistently showing disregard for the community and allowing their actions to have a detrimental effect on others will be dealt with via the sternest possible means."

More details about how to lodge a complaint about noise and nuisances are at

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