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Man fined as council clamps down on antisocial behaviour

A Sunderland resident has been handed a fine this week as Sunderland City Council continues to clamp down on anti-social behaviour.

Scales of justice

Paul Sawyers, formerly of Rhodesia Road, Redhouse, was ordered to pay more than £400 for failing to comply with a Community Protection Notice issued in June last year.

Sunderland City Council's anti-social behaviour team first received reports of excessive noise, fighting and drunken behaviour at Mr Sawyers' privately rented home on Rhodesia Road in 2021.

The complaints were substantiated by witness statements, noise recordings obtained via the city council's noise monitoring application and Northumbria Police records - outlining 18 incidents since Mr Sawyers moved into the property some 18 months earlier.

In June 2021 Mr Sawyers was issued with a Community Protection Notice, which prohibited Mr Sawyers, members of his household, or visitors to his address from pursuing any course of conduct likely to cause nuisance or distress to the local community. 

Later, neighbours reported that the premises had been used by Paul Sawyers and his visitors for regular gatherings involving excessive alcohol consumption resulting in disorder and noise disturbances through the night and into the early hours of the next morning. Mr Sawyers' tenancy was terminated shortly after.

Sunderland City Council's anti-social behaviour team subsequently applied for a Partial Closure Order against the premises which was granted by South Tyneside Magistrates' Court on Tuesday 28 September 2021.

Mr Sawyers' case for breaching the Community Protection Notice was heard at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court on Tuesday 17 May 2022. Mr Sawyer did not attend and was found guilty in absence.

He was issued a fine of £180, Victim surcharge of £34 and costs of £250.

Deputy Leader of Sunderland City Council and Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Claire Rowntree, said: "No one deserves to be subjected to anti-social behaviour around their own homes and it is shocking to hear what a negative impact this one household has had on an entire street.

"I would like to thank members of the public for coming forward, showing their community spirit and demonstrating how if we all work and act together, we can make our streets and neighbourhoods happier and more peaceful places."

Redhill ward councillor, Cllr John Usher, said: "Anti-social behaviour can be a real blight on our neighbourhoods and will not be tolerated. I hope that the fine issued today sends out a strong message that we will not put up with this kind of behaviour.

"I would encourage any residents with concerns about anti-social behaviour to contact 0191 520 5550 or"

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