Noise from licensed premises
Licensed premises such as pubs and clubs due to their very nature can generate noise such as loud music, beer gardens, kitchen extract / chiller units, smoking shelters or customers leaving the venue late at night.
As part of a granted premises licence, venues should be operating in a manner that does not cause public nuisance and most will generally have good management practices in place.
If you are experiencing noise from a licensed premises, we advise that you approach the premises directly to see if a resolution can be found and to give them an opportunity to address the issues.
Often, they are grateful for contact from individuals/residents' associations in order to give them an opportunity to address the issues and allow you to reach a compromise between them running their business and your enjoyment of your property.
Residents living near to licensed premises should expect a certain amount of disturbance but not to the extent that it causes them a noise nuisance.
Under the Licensing Act 2003 any local resident or business owner can request the review of a premises licence if it is felt that any of the licensing objectives are not being upheld in relation to the premises. As a result of any review that may take place, additional conditions, changes in licensable activities or a restriction in a premise's operating hours may be imposed. For more information on such controls or to make a complaint about licensed premises due to matters not relating to noise can be here.
If you are experiencing crime and disorder from a licensed premise, please contact Northumbria Police (opens new window).
If you continue to experience noise problems a noise complaint can be made to the Council for further investigation. Contact our City and neighbourhood team for further information or to report the noise nuisance.